Open Roles

Open Roles

Please see below for our current roles and if you are interested or would like a quick chat please speak to a leader or email Hannah and Camila.

Group Treasurer

When: Flexible around you and large events
Open Volunteer Spots: 1-2

This vital role on our Group Executive Committee manages and  helps us plan our finances. You don’t need to be an accountant but being confident with numbers and spreadhseets would help! Could work well as a job share.

Beaver Scout Leader

When: Mondays 4.00-5.00pm
Open Volunteer Spots: 1

Manage the Beaver Leadership team to plan and run our weekly meetings. You’ll have oodles of support from Assistant Leaders and our GSL and DGSL as well as a flexible approach allowing you to share the load.

Group Fundraiser

When: Flexible around you and fundraising events
Open Volunteer Spots: 2

Work with our existing Fundraiser and team of volunteers to help raise vital funds the Group needs to keep going through annual events and new ideas.

Group Premises lead

When: Flexible around you!
Open Volunteer Spots: 1

Make sure our Scout HQ is safe and well maintained by doing the monthly 10-15minute safety checks and arranging any required maintenance and cleaning.

Scout Leader

When: Monday/Tuesday evenings to suit new leader
Open Volunteer Spots: 1

Help us open a 2nd Scout Troop! We are desperate to open a second Scout Troop to allow us to maintain numbers and open up spaces to our waiting list, some of whom have been waiting for years! Manage the new Scout Leadership team to plan and run our weekly meetings. You’ll have oodles of support from our existing Scout Troop Leadership including joint planning, your Assistant Leaders and our GSL and DGSL as well as a flexible approach allowing you to share the load.

Assistant Cub Scout Leader

When: Thursday 6.00-7.15pm
Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Help plan and run our weekly meetings. Whether every week or alternate weeks we can’t run without you!

Assistant Beaver Scout Leader

When: Mondays 4.00-5.00pm
Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Help plan and run our weekly meetings. Whether every week or alternate weeks we can’t run without you!

Assistant Scout Leader

When: Thursdays 7.30-9.00pm or Monday/Tuesday evenings to suit new leader
Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Help plan and run our weekly meetings. Whether every week or alternate weeks we can’t run without you!

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III